Why You Should Brew

It’s a lot of fun

Craft brewing might be something you never thought of trying, but it’s a unique experience that might just become a new hobby. Plus, you’ll have an expert team to help you every step of the way so you can focus on the fun stuff


It’s a great social activity

If you’re looking for that perfect date night/girls night out/ not-awkward hang-out with coworkers, craft wine or beer making is a great option. Everyone gets to be involved in the process, and at the end you all have a delicious creation to take home. Plan your own outing or contact us through our Events page and we can help plan something special for you


It’s Customizable

You can create something that you know you’re going to love. No more guessing at the liquor store or scouring the internet for a flavor that might not exist. When you brew with us you get to be in complete control of the product you create


It’ll Save Some $$$

Making your own wine or beer means you can get the same quality you’d expect from a liquor store product for a fraction of the price. Plus, you’ll save trips to the store by having by creating products in bulk


It’s Easy on the Environment

After you’ve created your first brew, you can bring your bottles back time after time to be reused